OpenDSS to LinDistRestoration Parser#
DSSManager is the primary module to parse the OpenDSS data. It manages all the components, including but not limited to, loads, generators, pdelements, transformers etc. Each of the components' data structure is managed by their respective handlers and can be accessed individually, if required.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dssfile |
path of the dss master file (currently only supports OpenDSS files) |
required |
include_DERs |
Check whether to include DERs or not. Defaults to True. |
DER_pf |
Constant power factor of DERs. Defaults to 0.9. |
include_secondary_network |
Check whether to include secondary network or not. Defaults to False. |
The only required argument is the OpenDSS master file. We assume that the master file compiles all other OpenDSS files. The DSSManager class is initiated first and a method parse_dss() will then parse the overall data.
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BusHandler deals with bus (node) related data from the distribution model.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dss_instance |
redirected opendssdirect instance |
required |
Bus and Nodes are two different concepts in distribution systems modeling and are used interchangably here for simplicity.
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LoadHandler deals with all the loads in the distribution system.
When include_secondary_network=False
, all the secondary loads are referred back to their primary.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dss_instance |
redirected opendssdirect instance |
required |
network_handler |
Directed network tree of the distribution model, Defaults to None |
transformer_handler |
Instance of TransformerHandler. Defaults to None. |
include_secondary_network |
Whether the secondary network is to be considered or not, Defaults to False |
bus_names |
Names of all the buses (nodes) in the distribution model |
- In OpenDSS, the phases information of loads are lost on the secondary side of the split-phase transformers. Hence, each of the loads are traced back to their nearest transformer to identify the corresponding phase. For delta primary, the loads are equally distributed to each phase.
To do
- The current version does not address phase wise load decoupling for delta connected loads. It will be incorporated in the future releases.
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NetworkHandler creates and modifies the network as a graph (nodes and edges) for the distribution model
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dss_instance |
redirected opendssdirect instance |
required |
bus_names |
Names of all the buses (nodes) in the distribution model. Defaults to None |
source |
Source node of the graph to build. Defaults to None. |
pdelement_handler |
Instance of PDElementHandler. Defaults to None. |
pdelements_data |
Optional[list[dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]]
All the required data of the pdelements(edges) from PDElementHandler or provided by user in pdelements format. Defaults to None. |
To do
- extract feeder information to visualize it better
- add a method to remove list of edges provided as an argument
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PDElementHandler deals with all the power delivery elements -> lines, transformers, reactors, and capacitors. ALthough we have separate handlers for a few of them, we extract the PDelements here as they represent edges for out network
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dss_instance |
redirected opendssdirect instance |
required |
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TransformerHandler extracts the transformers (step down, step up, or split-phase service transformers) in the distribution model.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dss_instance |
redirected opendssdirect instance |
required |
To do
- Address the extraction of delta connected primary in split-phase transformers