About Me

I am a Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering at Washington State University. I am located at Pullman, WA and work with Dr. Anamika Dubey.

I am actively working on the spatiotemporal modeling of extreme weather-related events and their impact on power systems, with a focus on power distribution systems. Additionally, I am developing a risk-driven power distribution planning framework to develop resilience against extreme stochastic events. The primary goal of my research is to incorporate the effect of high-impact low-probability (black swan) events, that often go unnoticed within the domain of power systems planning. I am also passionate about mathematical optimization and modeling, machine learning and AI-based applications, computer programming, and high-performance computing. For more information on my projects, please check out my projects page.

Please find my recently updated CV or Resume.

In my personal time, I like playing and learning chess. I am also passionate about guitar, music recording, painting, and outdoor sport activities. Please go through my personal life webpage to know more about my YouTube channel and artworks.